
717 Gyro-Twister
A dynamic ball requiring constant rhythmic gyrations to perpetuate the spinning ball - thus generating muscle tone and growth in the shooter's wrists and forearms Lightweight, for use anywhere, any time Equivalent torque of 15 kgs and 10,000rpm With quick-start pull-cord
718-XB Gyro-Twister X beam
Same as 717, but larger and heavier for a greater muscle tone and for bigger more muscular shooters A super-exerciser with kaleidoscopic light effect Equivalent torque of 17 kgs at 14,000rpm Supplied with two quick-start pull-cord
712 Hand strengthening exerciser
Hand exerciser, sprung hand grip deluxe, silver/black The ideal hand and arm strengthening exerciser Force setting infinitely adjustable from 10 – 40 kilopond to suit your individual needs Non-slip comfortable hand grip to ensure safe handling Change the side according to specific workout or use two hand strengthening exercisers contemporaneously